News Stories

Toronto Gators Legends - Roster Addition

January 16, 2016

Toronto, ON - Toronto Gators Legends - Roster Addition

The Toronto Gators Legends are thrilled to welcome shortstop Terry Wiebe to their roster for the upcoming season.

Terry is a solid 2 way player and a former Canadian National team member.

Jack Fireman describes Terry Wiebe as one of the best 2 way shortstops in the last 25 years.

2016 Toronto Gators Legends Roster

Adam Smith
Darren Zack
Mike Sedore
Mike Crawford
Paul Algar
Shawn Samson
Dave Hoffman
Rob Watson
Tom Watson
Randy Peck
John Kemp
Terry Challis
Brian Paton
Roddy Wetherell
Al Taylor
Paul Foucault Sr.
Kelly Wenstrom
Pat Brennan
Frank Perez
Terry Wiebe

Larry Lynch - GM
Ray Tilley â€" Head Coach
Bob Richardson â€" Coach
Jack Fireman â€" Sponsor
Drew Groombridge - Trainer
Dave Birnie â€" Special Advisor

Dave Birnie

Toronto Gators Legends



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